Dear Ricardo,
You articulated it well:
We have a bit of a problem in that we’re bootstrapping from an
existing shallow pool of GNU maintainers (and contributors), so
we’re inheriting the diversity imbalance currently present in GNU.
One possible solution is to expand our membership to include participants in documentation
and translation projects. If someone has worked on a gcc manual or translation for the
linux documentation project, or for Guix, might they be welcome with us? I think they are
both stakeholders and valuable people to their projects, and until we level the playing
field for programmers in underrepresented groups, they might be a hope for diversity.
This might have some difficult interplay with the concerns people have brought up about
broadening. Was the main concern for infiltration? My initial intuition is that it would
not be a big factor, and that we would be vigilant and figure it out. Maybe a board
member could be immediately recalled if they do not advocate for the social contract and
the code of conduct.