Hi again,
When you use the ‘normal’ /kick and /mode +b commands, this is
what the entire channel sees:
* sjw sets ban on *!*@fsf/member/LousyFruit
* sjw has kicked LousyFruit from #chan (LousyFruit)
That's the last thing LousyFruit sees before they are kicked.
Guess who they're going to PM all their love?
Instead, use
/msg ChanServ AKICK #chan ADD *!*@fsf/member/Lousyfruit
[optional reason]
which prints
* ChanServ sets ban on *!*@fsf/member/Noisytoot
There are other, minor, technical reasons to prefer the latter.
For example when Freenode reboots, +b bans are lost. The AKICK
list is forever, and displays ban reasons (if any) and age.
/query ChanServ AKICK #chan LIST
I highly recommend reading
/query ChanServ HELP COMMANDS
if you're interested in upping your op game.
Kind regards,