https://osuosl.org/ have offered a couple of vms (4
instances sharing 8 vcpus, 16GB ram, 1000GB volume storage) for hosting
the GNU Assembly. It is on a fully free software (open)stack, the
management interface does use some javascript, but all that is also
free software (it uses the unmodified OpenStack interface
http://wiki.osuosl.org/openstack/). They can also provide backups if we
need those (I think we do).
This isn't RyF certified hardware (the FSF do have a cluster of
machines which are, but they haven't offered hosting yet). But I
believe it is a step up because this is fully Free Software otherwise.
Our current hosting (kindly donated by Andy) is on linode which doesn't
have a free management interface.
I know we don't have an official governance body yet, but I like to
accept it for the GNU Assembly and migrate our current services, wiki,
web, lists and git to it. Those are currently all hosted on the same
vm, I would like to split them into 4 VMs so the services are better
isolated. I'll work with the current teams of sysadmins, mailing list
maintainers, web site maintainers and the wiki maintainer to give them
access to the new VMs when they are setup.
Comments, questions, requests?